Audubon and PixCams sponsor the live, 24-hour webcam on the birds. PixCam, based in Murrysville, developed the first webcam on the Hays nest in 2014. A camera was installed on this new nest in December of 2013. In recent years, the pair usually has laid three eggs another egg is possible in the next few days. The following year the Hays eagle pair built a new nest in the location it is today.
AES volleyball management and registration software makes it easy to. Video: Great Horned Owl dropkicks Hays Bald Eagle off perch. Find your next volleyball tournament or event and find scores, schedules and rankings.
Hays Bald Eagle Cam on AUDACY: Listen to Free Radio Online Music, Sports, News, Podcasts. They have two eggs in their nest, which were laid last Friday and Monday. Hays Bald Eagle Cam on AUDACY: Listen to Free Radio Online Music, Sports, News, Podcasts. The Hays couple is in its ninth year of nesting on the same hillside above the Monongahela River. PixCams is a company that helps to provide live footage of. “This pair of bald eagles has defended the nest in previous years and their dedication to ensuring the safety of the eggs was very evident when they perceived a threat to their nest-and their offspring.” (WTAJ) A bald eagle family has made it’s home at a steel company in West Mifflin, Pittsburgh and individuals can now watch the birds. A 24/7 livestream of the Hays eagle nest is available from the CSE Corporation camera that monitors activity in the nest.So far, two eaglets have hatched in the nest.Click the video player below. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting.

“It’s the bird’s parental instinct to protect the nest and the eggs,” said Rachel Handel, Audubon spokeswoman. The Hays Bald Eagle cam caught a PIP or the beginning of the hatching process for the eggs Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions.

While young usually disperse between August and October, the adults remain on territory year round. Hatching usually begins in late March to early April, and the eaglets fledge in mid-to-late June. The Audubon Society of Western Pennsylvania, along with PixCams, operates a live 24-hour webcam that caught all of the action.Īfter the female defended the eggs and chased the raccoon, the male swooped in to ensure the intruding raccoon stayed away, according to PixCams. In general, the eagles begin courtship in October, productive mating in late January or early February, and egg-laying in mid to late February. The Pittsburgh Hays female bald eagle vigorously defended both of her eggs when a curious raccoon climbed about 80 feet to reach the nest Wednesday evening, according to PixCams, the Murrysville wildlife webcam company.